Round 15 - FY 25

This is a preview of the Application Form- Round 15 FY25 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

Applicants: please note

Before completing this application form, you should be familiar with CS Energy's Sponsorship Guidelines.

Round 15 FY25

Applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application in December.

If you have any questions in regard to sponsorships please contact Brittany Herbert, Community Engagement Advisor Kogan or Caitlin Loader, Community Engagement Advisor, Callide.



Confirmation of eligibility

I confirm that the applicant:

  • has read and understood the program guidelines, as outlined in the CS Energy Sponsorship Guidelines.
  • is geographically located within the Banana Shire or Western Downs Regional Council areas.
  • is a not-for-profit organisation (this includes educational institutions such as schools).
  • has the appropriate type and level of insurance for the activities that are the subject of this sponsorship.
  • does not owe any reports or money to CS Energy or other grant makers as a result of previous funding or grants.

Applicants must not have any outstanding acquittal forms from prior rounds owing to CS Energy. 

Please select below: * Required
You must confirm that all statements above are true and correct.
Has your organisation previously benefited from a CS Energy sponsorship, grant or donation? * Required
Please note, if this application is succesful the applicant must agree to complete an online acquittal process. Tick the box below to confirm your commitment to acquitting the sponsorship funds. * Required

General exclusions

Please note, CS Energy generally will not sponsor

  • activities or events for an individual's gain or profit.
  • individuals participating in sporting events, camps or championships.
  • Wages or salaries
  • religious organisations, to deliver religious programs.
  • political organisations or campaigns.
  • costs we consider to be associated with an applicant's core business, or ongoing operating costs.
  • applicants seeking financial support for expenses such as prize money or insurances.
  • gambling-linked venues or activities.
  • activities linked to alcohol, tobacco, or pharmaceuticals.
  • initiatives deemed high-risk or dangerous, or posing an unacceptable safety risk